At the heart of the Stauferland region

The Schwarzhornhaus lies between Rechberg, Hohenstaufen and Stuifen, on the "Rechbergle" – as the Schwarzhorn is also known. Actually there are three houses since a former parish building and a church in the Black Forest were taken down and rebuilt here more than 40 years ago.

The Schwarzhornhaus, the old chapel and the administrative building with church. In between, there’s a meadow, a clearing where in the calm of the evening you might glimpse a hare or a fox, and where the deer graze in the morning when the hare and fox have left.

You will hear wild animals all through the day, as well as laughter and music. A great many groups come to visit us here, school classes, choirs, clubs, work teams or (extended) families. In fact anyone who loves nature and doesn’t need to live in the lap of luxury.

A wonderful natural high-ropes adventure park has been built near the old chapel where the forest begins. It rises up to 14 metres. More than 20 different challenges wait to be overcome by intrepid daredevils.
Schwarzhornhaus is a gem of a place – a small idyll in wonderful countryside. Each person has his or her own space, and can enjoy both nature and the company of others without any distractions at all.
A warm welcome.


Schwarzhornhaus mit NaturHochseilgarten

Managment: Bernd Foltin